What home means to me

What home means to me. Here are some reasons of what home means to me. Home means to me a cozy beautiful nice place, home also means to me a place where you live and your family live, home also means to me a place that will protect you from dangerous stuff, and home also means to me a place that is warm, home also means to me a place where you keep your stuff and that some of that stuff is food, drinks, toys, paper, your drawings, paintings, beds, snacks, a piano if you have enough space, Iwako Erasers, plants and some of those plants can be aloe vera, flowers, you also can keep an fridge and a freezer, you can also keep a sink, a bathtub, a toilet, books, computer, laptop, I pad, phone, paint, you can keep your pets, Home is shelter and home is a great place and home is fantastic and home is also where you can draw, color, write, read, play and do your homework from school.


4 Année

Oakvile, Ontario

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