Home is Amazing
Home is important because there's water and a fridge with food in it, so you and your family will not survive. Home is important because my family is there and I hug my mom and see my family every day.
A home is important and in my home water is available. Water is important because it prevents people from getting kidney stones. If you drink lots of water it does help. Water is important because it helps you survive and live. But homeless people don't have money to get water which is sad. Everybody deserves fresh drinking water
I enjoy my home. Home is a place where there's a tv. On the TV can watch Netflix, Disney+ and other shows. Tv is in a home. A tv has YouTube and you can watch news. Home is where I play on my computer, tablet, and watch tv and play with pet my cat. Home is fun!!!
Home is a very good place. Home is a place where family stays, pets stay like dogs and cats. Home is where people come back after school is done. My home is awesome!
EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE AN AMAZING HOME!.... AND GREAT home. A home is a place where people are supposed to be loved and rest.
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