Meaning of Home
My home is the unknown. And that's a good thing, I would never want my home to be the same. Everyday is a new dawn in my home. Nothing is ever the same. If my home was the same everyday, I would never have a new obstacle to face. And then I would never be able to learn. Or I would never overcome a fear, or I would never be brave. I would never be me if my home is the same. And that is why my home is the unknown. I like it that way
I have stress and anxiety, but at home I don't need that. I was pressured, but at home I am safe. At home I would never be pressured. At home I can do what I love most. I can read, I can write, I can draw. I can be me. The me who is not pressured to get something done by a certain day, the me who is definitely not perfect. At home I can be the small me who loves to read and draw and write. At home I can be the me I want to be.
I have more than one home. Because home is where the heart lays. And that may be my small home or my school. But my home is most definitely with the ones I love the most. Like my mother, or my father, or my sisters, or my friends, or my teacher. But even better. My home is all of them. Because my home is my community, my home is not a building nor is it a wall because my home is everyone I love. And I don't ever want to change that. And I hope I never have to.
My home is full of memories that belong to me. I have moved over the 10 years of my life. And that's a good thing because I now have new memories to share with the ones I love. New memories mean new beginnings. I learned to first ride a bike at home. I learned to talk. I learned to spell. My first day of school. My first pet. All of them are memories, yet none of them were in the same house. That is why they are special to me and no one else. All of these memories are and always will be mine.
Home may look like four walls and a roof. And whoever thinks that, well their right. It does look like that, to them. It doesn't matter what it looks like. It matters what it feels like. To me home is where I can be me, and that feels good. To me home is where I can speak freely, where I can do whatever I want. And that makes me feel good, happy, grateful, it makes me feel, I don't know I guess it makes me feel like me.
Home is the unknown. And that's a good thing!
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