Meaning of Home
“À house is made of brick and mortar, but home is made by people that live there.”-M.K.Soni
While this is true sometimes our brick and mortar may be stone and clay. While our people maybe animals or activities. Our homes may be situated in many places or not be à structure at all.
I believe that home is à safe space. I know that home certainly never has to be the same thing for everyone.
I believe that home is where the heart is. Sometimes home does not have to be à place home could be: the feeling that you get when you spend time with people that are special to you, even the feeling you get from à activity that brings you pleasure! À home and à house are not always the same. If you don't feel loved, safe, and happy to put it plainly then it is not your home. Everyone deserves to feel safe in their homes. If à place does not make you feel that way it's not your home no matter what others say.
Someone's meaning of home may vary depending on their stamina. This means that everyone gets to define what home is for themselves. Depending on where you came from or how you were brought up your view of home will be different for you. My perception of home will be different from yours because everyone has different needs. In conclusion My version may be different from my best friends, but neither is the right way.
In the way that the meaning of home is different for everyone it also does not have to be one place. Sometimes we find home in more than one place because each place suits one of our different needs. We must also consider the fact that not everyone grows up in à two parent home so they might have more than one place they choose to call home. In fact someone's home may not be à structure in the slightest. Instead maybe their home is the feeling you find in an activity you enjoy or when you are with someone. Finally someone's home doesn't have to be à place or à singulair one for that matter, but it could be all of the above.
I know that home does not have to be belongings or a structure because it can be the people and the feeling you get when you know you are home, whether you find that feeling in many places or one will be different for everyone. Because home can be à place or an object or even à person, and everyone's home will be different because we ourselves are different, because we are different some of us may view more than one place our homes! Finally home is always à safe place and always different but no one's view of home is better than someone else's.
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