What home means to me

Home is a new chapter for families Because they are ready to enjoy their new life together. _____________________________________________________________ Home is where you have fun Because you feel free and excitment. ________________________________________________________________ Home is good Because there's food, your family is with you, you can go outside, and you can rest. ________________________________________________________________ Home is where you are safe Because your family is there to protect you. ________________________________________________________________ Home is a safe place where you can sleep rest Because you have a bed that is comfortable, and your family and your house are there to help you. _________________________________________________________________ Home is where you can relax Because you can relax and watch TV or a movie with family. __________________________________________________________________ Home is Where you can eat Because your parents provides you with the healthiest food. __________________________________________________________________ Home is where you can play with family and friends Because you have a backyard, and you have video games. __________________________________________________________________ Home is Where you can have a good day Because you can enjoy stuff with siblings, and you can go for a walk and watch movies with your family. __________________________________________________________________ Home is peace Because your family and friends are always there and there to support you. __________________________________________________________________ Home is where you are not alone Because your family is always with you and to keep you safe __________________________________________________________________ Home is where you can laugh Because you feel happy. __________________________________________________________________ Home is where you are loved Because you have your family and pets. __________________________________________________________________ Home is creativity Because you can decorate in your personal space and create stuff with your mom or Dad. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Home is exciting Because you can watch movies with family and play with your toys and video games. __________________________________________________________________ Home is where you can talk to friends and family Because it is a comfortable place to talk.


5 Année

Ajax, Ontario

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