What A Home Means To Me

A home is a place where I feel safe knowing that nothing will harm me there, but it’s also where my life is. You don’t understand that concept, imagine being taken away from your home. It would feel like you’d lost a part of your life, right? Then imagine getting back home it would feel like you got your life right back, now do you understand what I mean? Now let's talk about fun. You must know what it’s like to have fun. So in your home, there's a TV, toys and other stuff and your home are where you keep them. Without electricity the TV would not work, without a roof toys would get rained on and dirty, and last but not least, shelter is one of the most important things a home gives you. It keeps you dry during storms, keeps you cool on hot days. A home does all of those things and that's what it means to me.


5 Année

Kanata, Ontario

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