To Me
To me home means, a place where I can trust people, be safe, be comfortable, eat and sleep. When I get home from school I feel so exhausted. I unpack my school bag and wait for my mom to get home. When she gets home she makes a fresh batch of cookies. I smell the cookies from my room and hug my mom. After I get a glass of milk I always ask my mom how her day was. After she says okay or good or awesome she asks me the same question. I say great. When she always asks me that question every single day I feel love and feel like somebody cares about me. When we are eating My dad sets the table and my mom makes a big hot steamy square lasagna. I put some parmesan cheese on my lasagna and my salad. After I watch some you then have a shower, brush my teeth, put some deodorant on, and then go to be. Then I have a nice calm sleep. When I wake up in the morning my dad makes me a nice hot breakfast sandwich. When I bite into it I feel like I’m in heaven. After I get ready for the day I go to school and start the day over and over and over again. That is what home means to me.
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