Home is a box with a triangle on top and I have fox plushies inside.
It is where I sleep. It is where I eat. It is where I have Mom and Dad.
I make drawings of foxes at my home and they may have info on the characters I made too. I play on my Nintendo. I play board games too. I also have lots of foxes. There is where I live. There is where I am loved. There is where I stay. That is my home.
If I were a fox I could call my home a den. If I were a bat I could call my home a cave. If I were a bird I could call my home a tree. Home is not where you go, it is when you know that you are at home. My home is not a tree, and nor am I a bee. My home is not a cave, but if it were I would engrave carvings into the walls which would be my halls. My home is not a den either. I'm not a fox, I'm not a bat, I'm not a bird or a bee, I..am a human and my home is where I stay.