What Does Home Mean
Home means to me a place full of laughter, some times there's bad times and good times. But just remeber home is a warm and welcoming place where you come home from school and throw your bag down it's a safe place. Your home might be big or small wide or long, it doesn't matter what shape, size or colour.
Home should be a a good place, a warm place a cozy place. Home is where I grew up. It doesn't matter where I may go or where I am aslong as I'm with my family I'm right at home. It doesn't matter if your home is on a hill or in an ally, in car or in a mansion. Home is not invisible it should be visable. When I think of home I think of cuddling up on the couch. When I think of home I think if all the memories of my childhood. This is what I think of home.
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