What does home mean to me?
My home is the place I always feel safe and exactly right. Home is where my dad gives me cuddles at night. My home is where me and my family always watch the best movies on the weekends. Home is where I play with both my pets, they are my forever friends. Home is where I always do homework every day after school. My home is where I feel warm, as if I am wearing a sweater made of wool. Home is where I wake up in the morning to do online learning. My home is where we snuggle up against the fire, watching it burning. Home is where I appreciate what I have gotten, to a shelter above my head to delicious food. My home is where I must always learn proper manners, like never to be rude. Home is where I have so much fun when I play with my little sister. My home is where me and my family play fun games on game night, like Twister. Home is where we come together to celebrate tons of traditions as a family. Home is where I learn new things at school, like the entire human anatomy. My home is where we need to take responsibilities, like washing the dishes. Home is greeting my mom when she comes back from work and give her a ton of kisses. Home is loving each other no matter what we do or say. My home is where we say “Good morning” or “Goodnight” every single day. My home is where we always have fun, like playing outdoors. Home is where everything is fair, like I always get allowance when I do chores. And I will always love my home, and my family forevermore.
By: Caden Magsombol