You Could Buy A house Not A Home
A home is something money can't
Buy. In a home you need to feel safe. At home you feel
Comfortable. At home you could
Do what you want. That is why I think
Everybody should have a home because everyone deserves to
Feel safe. Also when I am at home I feel
Good and relaxed. You could buy a
House not a home.
In your home you could be yourself. You could feel
Just like yourself. And i think that everybody should be able to
Keep their home. And don't have to
Leave their home even if they are in debt.
Money can't buy happiness just how it can’t buy a home. And
No one should not feel good at home. Also no
One should not feel like themselves at home. When I'm at home I feel
Peace. And like myself you should feel like a king or a
Queen at your home. That is why you could buy a house not a home.