What is home?
What is home? Home is filled with people you love which you can enjoy even the littlest of things like the warmth as it hits your face, the breeze in your hair, it can protect you from heat, rain and blizzards and emotionally too! Home can be anywhere, in a school, on a ship or anywhere really! Your home can be different to others, there might be a dog or 2! Maybe you live with your grandparents or maybe it’s different! Home can be anywhere you love and have compassion for the ones you live with. Home is where you belong, where you feel like you belong. Anywhere. Anytime. With the ones you love. Home can have your happiest moments in your life like, when you had your grandparents over or maybe when you first saw your puppy, homes are a great and fun place to be! Everyone should have a wonderful home and have a great time in it, no matter where you are, the place you go, you should always, I say ALWAYS have a home anywhere around the globe, maybe you live in a district that's fun and colourful or maybe in a adventurous district, you should donate to other people for their houses because everyone deserves a home!
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