What does home mean to me?

Home means to me safety and a place to grow up. Home is a place where you have privacy and you get to sleep in warmth and comfort. Home is where your family takes care of you and you never have to worry about losing a loved one. Home means family without a family living in a home is considered a house and house sounds less comforting than home. If you would like to publish this information into the. If someone robs you it's sad I am going to do a quote by Bill Gates: If you were born poor it's not your fault But it you die poor then it is your fault The quote above is by Bill Gates not by me so do not give me the credits to give it to bill. If you don’t have a home don’t worry because a lot of people will join this and you will get a home. But remember dying poor is your fault because your incontrol of what you do. If someone is poor they can get rich. There was this singer who was poor. She sang songs on streets then in parks and now she is performing in a giant stadium. No dream is too big, no person is too small. Having said this I want you to think “you are getting to sleep in your house you get to buy food and you get to have privacy along with a ac” What about those little kids born poor do they get that luxury.No they don’t so do not take home/house for granted.


6 Année

Oakville, Ontario

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