Come Home with me
You can buy a house but you can’t buy a home because no matter where you live or whether your address changes your home still remains the same. You see a home is the things inside that house, it’s the people that make you happy inside that house. It's the people who can tell you when you're sad, and can tell you everything is gonna be alright.And before you go to bed they’ll give you a little peck on the cheek and that little kiss says shoo monsters. No matter how big or small your house is, your home can be filled with happiness and laughter. No matter what your home is, you cherish it all. Your home might be small, it can just be you or maybe a little family but no matter what cherish every single moment of it. Home is where my heart is and I’ll never think twice about that. My parents' house may be white in all the bedroom’s but when I walk into my home I see bright, shiny colors, a place full of hope, dreams and faith. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my teacher and the meaning of home organization to give me an opportunity to embrace my heart. How about the world stop thinking about “me” and start thinking about “we”, because we are stronger together. Let’s help our community so we can build a home for all to lay their heads and somewhere where we can all be appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this because that’s what home means to me.
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