Home is Where My Heart Lives

Home is more than floors and a ceiling To me a home is all about feeling. When I’m sad or scared or had a bad day I open the door and it all goes away. All the homes look the same on my family’s block, Oh the things it would say if my house could talk. The smell of bacon for breakfast, the sound of laughter downstairs Waking up each morning to love everywhere. Curling up on my couch with my favorite throw, Pencil marks on the wall mark how I grow. The paint colours change when my parents get bored, If they find one they keep I think I’ll be floored. Holidays in the same room around the same tree, Making new memories for my family and me. We take shelter in these walls when there’s stormy weather, Lightning, hail, or freezing cold, as long as we’re together. A crack in the wall from opening the door too hard, One shingle is missing because it blew onto our yard. These things can be fixed with hammers and nails, Who knows, one day it could all be for sale. But wherever you go and whatever you do, Your home is where your love is. It will follow you.


6 Année

Orangeville, Ontario

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