Home is wherever my Mom is,
my sister is there too,
I love my Lexi and Loki,
my favourite doggo crew.
My home is fun and happy,
always safe and warm,
My mom is very loving,
She fills in my school & cycling forms.
My home is filled with yummy food,
I’m not a big fan of my chores,
I don’t like taking out the garbage,
because I'm trying to not let the dogs out the door.
My home is full of kindness,
smiles all around,
We love PJs and movies,
not popcorn on the ground.
A house is not a home,
It is just a square,
Everyone is always welcome,
c'mon pull up a chair.
My home is safe for everyone,
we don’t judge, we only care,
sounds of music and laughter,
We always dance with flare.
My family is not perfect,
we are often on the go,
but home is where my heart is,
a safe and loving place for me to grow.