Home is Where the Heart Is
We all need a home to survive. Let’s be honest, i'm not just talking about a roof with walls, I'm talking about “home.” Family, love and comfort are just a few of the things that make my home what it is. Home is a word for the place you can come to after a bad day. As soon as you walk through that door, all of those feelings drift away. That's what my home feels like; my home is more than walls and a roof. Home is my protection.
At the end of a long day when I return to my house, the things that bring me home are the safety, comfort and support from my family. Just the idea of having that feeling where I can be myself and not be afraid is better than anything. While a house is structured with bricks, a home is structured with family.
Even when i’m at my worst, the acceptance of my family will always get me the help I need to get back on my feet. Maybe it’s family, or it could be the cupboards of comfort food i’ve had for 5 years, but something about home just feels like I can be whoever I want, and I will be accepted.
Support is the number one thing I need, because if something goes wrong, I will always need support from the people at home, and sometimes just home itself. In the end, really all that it comes back to is my family. My FAMILY gives me support, my FAMILY means home. My FAMILY makes me me.
In the end, I could really go on for hours about what home means to me. But in short form, I would say it’s that warm fuzzy feeling. The feeling of safety, where I can be me. In six simple words, “home is where my heart is.”
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