What Home Means To Me

To me home means a place to stay, and a place you will always belong. I love my home. And I love the people in my home. You might have moved into different houses like me but everywhere we've created memories. Home is not just four walls, it's not some place to sleep, it is way more than that it's where I create memories. Every house deserves love but when it does you can call it home. Whenever I move I think the most about my home, hoping someone else will love it just as much as I did, and that I am going to make another house a home. When I drive to school I see a lot of homes thinking those must be loved. When I think about all of my old homes I feel sad because that is where I have my memories, but I try to make all of the houses I move into my home. All of the homes I have been in are still my homes to me even if I don't live in them anymore the feeling is still there. Home is everything to me because if you think about it that is where you learned to walk, talk and play. Everyone deserves a nice warm home to sleep in, and know they are safe. That is what home means to me.


5 Année

Sarnia, Ontario

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