Home - What Does it Mean?
What does home mean to you? Is it a regular house? Maybe it could be a Brownstone or a mansion as big and wide as you could imagine? Or a tiny cottage but very cozy? No matter what house you live in, whether it is like one of those or totally different, your memories and your feelings are in it as well as your heart.
Sure, it is where you eat and drink and sleep. But it is a lot more! It is also where you play, relax and have friends over to visit. It is a place where you make memories. It is a place where you celebrate birthdays and Christmas and Easter. I am 9 years old and I have lived in 3 different countries. I had to move lots of times and I know how important a home can be. A home is a place where you belong.
Home is my Mum and Dad and brother and my wonderful cats Casey and North. We are a family and our home is where we spend time together. It is a place where we laugh and cry and sometimes get mad. It is a place where family comes to visit and friends know where to find us. Last summer, I read a book called “Refugee” about children who had lost their homes because of wars and trying to find a new life. That made me think how important a home is. A home is also a place where we feel safe.
Homes all over the world have something in common. They have feelings in them . My house has a bit of me in it just like your house has a bit of you. Everyone deserves a special place like that.
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