Home Is Where The Heart Is
The house I live in I find very dear.
But now I might move away from here.
I am nervous, but excited nonetheless.
Out of the province, away from the friends I will miss.
But my heart will always be with my family,
So wherever I go, in deep or shallow,
At home I will always be.
I don’t care about first night jitters,
Or creepy crawly critters,
Because home is where the heart is,
At home we all should be.
If in life you ever find,
Yourself without a home,
Search for someone who loves you dear,
Because if your heart is with them,
Homeless and alone you never will be.
So when and if I move,
Far away from here,
At least I’ll be close,
To the ones I love most,
That’s what a home means to me.
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