A Letter to Home: What you mean to me

Dear Home, You mean the world to me. You make me and my family feel safe and secure with your solid foundation, roof and brick walls. You protect us from the weather, and from viruses like COVID. During Covid-19, you have been a safe haven for me and my family during lockdowns. I am grateful to have had a home to go to during these difficult times. I have created many memories at home whether happy, sad, and funny with family and friends. I feel happiness when I am at home and I miss my home when I am away. My home is a place where I can really be myself. I have realized a home is not just one place, I have lived in many houses, but what makes each place feel like home is my family. Having my family under one roof unites us and brings us closer together. Each house provided me with love, sympathy and shelter. Best of all, in each house I have learned something, whether a skill, lesson, a story, and even a detail that nobody else would care about. In my first home I learned how to walk, talk and play sports. In my second home, I learned how to swim, to kayak and to fish. I have been fortunate to have a home throughout my 11 years. Through my victories, my failures, and everything in between. I am very grateful for the home that I have. Soon I will grow up to be a teenager, then an adult, and I will leave my Home but I will never forget my Home and I will cherish all the memories I created at Home with my family.


6 Année

pembroke, Ontario

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