Home is what you think it is

Home is what you think it is. Home is loving and filled with care. Some think home is just a place you live in. It means much more than that. Home is where you live. Home is where you spread love with family and loved ones. Home is special to you depending on your opinions. Not only home is filled with love. Home has people laughing with grace. Home makes happiness. Home makes safety from things out in the world. Home is a powerful word. Home is your guidance. Home is your bodyguard. Home is your assistant. Home is your nourishment. Home is what you want it to be. What does home mean to you? Without a good home, people are vulnerable. People with bad homes tear apart. People without a home are helpless, unless others from their own homes decide to help them and create a bigger home. A community is welcoming to others. It can also be a home for many. A country can be a home. The whole entire world can be your home. Earth is everyone’s home. The earth lies in a habitable zone, meaning it is possible to survive. The Sun is a vital thing that makes our home possible to live in. The Sun is the core of what makes a home a home. The Sun is like a giant power chord constantly powering us. Everything you look at, everything around you, without knowing can be a home. Anything can be a home. Friendship can be a home you desire. A home is always an important place in life. Without a home, there won’t be success. Be thankful for where you live. A home is like a palace. A home is like a vibrant rainbow in the sky. A home is special.


6 Année

Aurora, Ontario

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