What Does Home Really Mean To Me…?

Many people have different types of homes. Some big, some small. Some that travel on road and some that are on the water. But all of those have something in common, they make memories. Some memories might be good and some bad, but they were all made, in a home. My home doesn’t seem very special or different compared to others. I mean, yeah it has a few floors, a kitchen, a couch, and so on… but does that really make it home? For me, that's a no, but here's what does. You might think, yeah, home and house are the same things, nothing special. You might even think home is something with furniture inside and a house is something with absolutely nothing. But in my case, maybe even yours, home means something more. To me, a home doesn't mean it has to have furniture or objects inside. It means happiness and family. A home might not always make you happy, you might feel sad or angry and have a bunch of different emotions, but your home is still there through it all. It’s not like it would walk away and leave you there all alone. Home has all kinds of stuff in it. Some things might be important while others aren't. And some homes might have families in them while others don’t. My home has my family in it. If you came to my house you would see my mom cooking and my dad talking about sports. You would see my dog trying to find the toy he hid the day before, and the other 2 fighting about what they can and can't share. It might seem crazy and annoying, which sometimes I gotta tell you it is, but I love it. It's my crazy home with all the people I love, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Thanks for reading about what home means to me. Home might seem more important than we usually think it is, but we always knew it made us who we are right now.


6 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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