My Home Poem

My house is in the ground, it’s nice but it is not round. My mom is nice, she is as cool as ice. My mom cooks and when she does she frowns. I watch tv and pop my popcorn and I play games any time of day even if it rains. I have a sister and a brother and we watch out for each other. Home is where I pretend to be in the wild. I smiled when I was a child. My mom and I like to fish, do the dishes and talk about our wishes. When I am mad I still get sad. My house keeps me safe from people and stuff, and that's how I know it’s enough. When my dog died, I sat on a log and cried. It feels good to have a house to live in and survive in. When I was six my fish passed away, I still remember him to this day. I have so many fond memories, I could make a documentary.


5 Année

Brampton, Ontario

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