Home Is In The Heart
A Lot of people say”a house is just a building “ and they are right. But a home is a lot more than just a building.
Home is where you can hide from the outside , Whether you live by the city or the seaside.
Home is in the heart, where everyone plays an important part.
Home is in the heart!
Home is where you can sit back and relax, A place where you can have some snacks.
In a comfy chair, Saying a prayer.
Home is in the heart!
A home comes in different sizes, Where you can watch all the sun risers.
Some homes may have more rules, Others may have more tools.
But home is in the heart!
Home is where friends come over, maybe have a sleepover .
Look at the stars in the night, even if your room is a bit tight.
Home is in the heart!
Even though your life might be odd , LOVE THE LORD OUR VERY GREAT GOd
Even if your loved one is far away, your home is the place you want to stay.
Because Home is in the heart!
Sometimes you may be bored, but always remember to trust in the Lord .
For home is in the heart!!!
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