My Home
Every home has memories like mine does
Like when I played fetch with my dog, and a bee went buzz.
I have two dogs named Mabel and Zeus
My dog Mabel is such a silly goose.
One of my dogs is 10 and the other is 15.
Like how I'm 10 and my brother is sixteen.
My home has some traditions like eating cinnamon buns on christmas morning.
Some traditions are fun but some are a little boring.
Another tradition that I have is playing Minecraft with my brother on summer break.
But sometimes in summer I go camping at beaver lake.
Another tradition I have is that on winter break I must build an igloo.
Sometimes all these traditions are too much to chew.
My home is special to me because I have a family that loves me.
My family and I are just meant to be.
Everyone should have a home like mine, that's why I'm writing this.
Having a home should always be a hit not a miss.
Every home is great and everyone should have one.
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