What Does Home Mean To Me?

Home means to have a bed to sleep on. Home means to have a roof over my head. Home means to have your own space. Home means to not be scared from anything that comes your way and to be brave. Home means to get along with each other as a family. Home is where you run and jump and stand out when it comes to it. Home means to never be alone and feel safe and that’s what matters. Home has memories and it’s a place where I can play along with each other. Home is where you can have fun and it's a shelter for me Home means to be comfortable where you are, home is where you can learn. Home is where the joy comes out of you, home is where you express yourself. My Home makes me feel welcome, my home is fun, playful, and peaceful My home is unique in its own way, home is where I feel grateful for what I have. My Home will always be the same. My home makes me feel Mindful because it is spacious and clean. My home is full of hope, love, safety, mindfulness, dreams and even where you can learn from your mistakes. My home is where I grew up. At home everything is calm and peaceful. At home you are loved by each other and have connections with each other and have feelings. My home is where I grew up from a baby to now. My home is where I love my mom, dad, and my sister. Everyone needs a home for shelter and so they can have fun just like us! Everyone needs a roof over their head just like me and others!


6 Année

Cambridge, Ontario

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