Meaning of Home
Home isn’t a building. It’s more of a feeling of being welcomed, supported, and understood. Home might mean loudness, a feeling of being crowded, or even just plain craziness, but home can also mean comfort, memories, and safety.
Comfort means the fuzzy blankets that my mom buys. My family and I snuggle up in those blankets and watch movies and shows. I love helping my little sister read on the couch. I’m most comfortable when I can have a sad day and just stay home to relax and listen to music.
For me, safety is being able to talk and express myself without judgement, to be able to have hobbies, and to be my own person. Whether I'm watching the rain from a thunderstorm softly hit my window, or snuggling up with my sister when she’s afraid of some silly thing that her friend told her, I always will feel most safe at home.
Home is memories. Memories are hanging around and swimming in the pool all summer long, and cannonballs, dives, and swimming to the bottom to get little sinking toys. Me and my family go on little walks to the little creek behind our house, and we sail the small wooden boats that we made. Finally, memories means time spent with family, and this time feels like home.
I am so grateful to have a home, but sometimes I forget how lucky I am. It is organizations like Habitat for Humanity that help me see that. I am amazed at how much work and dedication goes into this contest. I think how they are doing something good for people who are struggling is amazing, and I am so glad that I have the chance to help.
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