Meaning of Home

When I think of home, I feel so lucky and grateful that I have one. “Home is where the heart is,” people say, and I want everyone to have a home because we all deserve one. Home to me it’s not just a place. It's a feeling. Home is where you can be together with your family and feel safe and enjoy all those moments you have with them. One thing that means to me most about home is family. Without my family with me I wouldn’t call it home. My mom, my dad, my sister, and my brother, make it home to me. Like playing a game with my brother or watching a movie with my sister, it's those little moments that make it home to me because family is always very important. Being together with your family that’s another big thing. It’s swimming at the pond or even going skating together. Each of those moments I cherish. Being together with your family is more important than how fancy your belongings are in a home. Safe is what home is to me. I don’t mean high tech security, I mean feeling happy and where you're not scared. Like being cozy and warm under a blanket and sitting by the fireplace and feeling welcome like it’s where you're supposed to be. Now that’s what feeling safe is to me. I believe not only everyone should have a home but also affordable rent and that’s what Habitat for Humanity is doing. So people could have a home and be able to pay rent and I want to support that because it doesn't matter how nice the home is but as long as you have one, home was never a place it was a feeling to me.


6 Année

Peterborough, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi