I Am From
I am from detailed house decorations that get us all festive for all the holidays.
From the incredible baked goods and the unreal works of art all around are home.
I am from the memories and beauty in our tiny home and the rich smells of big dinners and the nonstop view of my dog relaxing so much she is in a different world.
I am from the amazing sunlight and the beautiful plants growing gracefully around our home, the inspiring wood burned signs around our house that make us feel at home.
I am from gingerbread parties full of creativity, cheerful music, and hilarious moments to rough moments.
From the love of outdoors and the family poker nights bringing the competition and from the crazy exiting lives of my amazing family.
I am from “go play outside", "I am going to win,” and “goodnight sleep tight don’t let the bed bug’s bite.”
I am from endless celebrations, proudly congratulating our family on their achievements.
I am from home of the blue bombers and maple syrup in the morning and hockey every day and let's go jets.
From my mom eventually having to hold me down to get my needles, such a big scaredy cat.
From my mom's amazing, detailed photobooks and the everlasting memories living within us for ever and ever.
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