I Am From
I am from sagging couches.
From dishes left carelessly on the table and devoured pet toys scattered throughout the house.
I am from the hallway leading into a near squircle and seeing everything beige.
From the fragile hydrangeas that are there year-round but never the proper colour and the immense tree always bringing forth shade and not always for the better.
I am from partaking in D&D every month or so, hoping nobody is upset,
And from blithely visiting distant family every summer.
From, “Don’t answer the door or phone unless you know who it is,” and
“I need guinea pigs.”
I am from memorizing Let it go and the 100 Digits of pi for fun and from money on Chinese New Year.
I am from where the weather stays the same and many relatives from China and Canada.
I am from steak, tofu, and bell peppers.
From my Vancouverite grandparents who cannot visit in the winter because it is too frigid and my dad exploding a phone on accident while trying to fix it.
From boring and fun, somber and silly, joyous and sorrowful.
I am from living life and watching how it flourishes.
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