I Am From
I Am From
I am from my chaotic bed, from a bunch of lush plants and a wooden brown dented coffee table we accidentally damaged from playing too much.
From the fake miniature tree that still remains on my white cubed cupboard that my family had kept for five years.
I am from smooth snow like white walls of my house.
From the delighting smell of my mom's Filipino cuisine.
I am from the lovely purple tulips I carefully water every other day and cared for while I watched them bloom beautifully.
I'm from an artistic family and feeling like I'm a mix of all of my family members combined, singing from my aunts and uncles, mom, dad and grandpa, and scrapbooking and painting from my grandma.
I am from a caring family that always has my back when I need them the most and rainy days to sunny days from my loved ones always cheering me up.
I am from learning about my family's immigration all the way from the Philippines and them getting used to the unfamiliar language, and culture with only so much money in their pockets.
From singing karaoke on a snowy Christmas eve and the sounds of unwrapping presents and, the appealing sight of shiny and sparkly ornaments.
I am from used to getting excited when Santa ate my fresh baked chocolate chipped cookies I made just for him, and refusing for anyone else to eat them but him.
I am from, "Finish your food”, and, "Are you ok?”
From the voice of my grandma softly singing to me, "You are my sunshine”, the night she went back home after spending 3 years with us.
I am from photo albums that feel like go on forever but pleasant to see all the memories we have gathered over the years.
I am from the laughter of me and my brother going tobogganing and getting all cozy and warm in layers and layers of blankets after a day full of freezing, but yet a fun experience.
I am from my favorite season, long days and short nights filled with everlasting celebration.
From waking up tiredly to take a glimpse at a familiar face of my aunt and uncle that I could tell were so pumped to go to Disneyland with us.
I am from the sounds of net swishing and shoes squeaking.
From asking my fellow neighbor for the basketball back from accidentally throwing it a bit too far into their backyard.
I am from buying one to many books and getting overwhelmed by which one to read first.
I am from mosquito bites.
From gathering rough wood that we found all throughout the campsite.
I am from the sounds of fire crackling and the great smell of toasted marshmallows and camping underneath the stars.
From getting woken up by the sounds of hummingbirds singing.
I am from watching the sunset on a delighting evening walk, with an amazing family that loves me just the way I am!
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