Home is More Than a Building
It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said ,“A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built, of love and dreams”, and I couldn't agree more. Home is more than a brick building. For me home is where I feel happy, safe, loved and most of all it is where my family is. My family is as sweet as candy! They are loving and caring.I love my family and without them no where I lived would feel like home.
Home is where I feel safe. When I am at home I feel like I can be myself and express myself. I know that I can talk to my parents or my brother about anything and that they will never judge me or think badly of me. No matter how my day was at school or at the gym my family will always be happy to see me and want to hear about the day. I can trust them with anything and know that they will always be there for me. I only moved to this house in 2019 and I was worried that when I left my old house I would not feel at home or safe. The first week I was here I felt nervous to go to sleep at night in my new room but once the house was filled with my family and all of our pictures, books and toys I started to feel at home. My home is like a soft blanket, keeping me warm when I am cold.
When I think of home I think of my family and the love we have for each other. When I say my family I do not always mean my immediate family I also mean my cousins, grandparents and my aunts and uncles. My extended family is a big part of my life. A lot of my extended family lives close by and we spend a lot of time together. Celebrations never feel the same unless we can share them with our big family. To me it does not matter if we are at my house or theirs it still feels like home when we are together. During the Covid lockdowns we were not allowed to get together with our extended family. A covid lockdown is like being stuck on a stranded island with no friends. Our celebrations didn’t feel right, they felt quiet because my cousins were not here with us. We did not get to celebrate Christmas, Diwali or our birthdays the way we always do. I am looking forward to being able to have big celebrations with my family and friends to make up for the missed celebrations.
Home is a place to make memories, for example where you take your first steps, say your first words or win your first writing competition (wink wink). At home you also learn life long skills such as brushing your teeth or washing your hands to hard things like how to solve a math problem or do jump rope. These are memories that you will always remember and be proud of. One of the earliest memories I have is when I met my little brother at the hospital and he gave me an Elsa dress as a big sister present. I was only three years old but somehow I can remember that. This memory is important because my brother completed our family and made me a big sister. That memory is in my head forever, like a painting on a wall.
So what is home? Home is when you are happy and safe. Home is where you have memories of you and your family. No matter where we move or travel to I will always feel at home if I am with the people I love. I love my house but it's not the way my house looks like and how it was built, it is the memories that come from within the house. My favorite memories are when all my family gathers together to celebrate christmas.Seeing my family is like finding the last piece to a perfect picture. I love it because I am always happy and I love exchanging gifts with my family and watching the joy in my cousins faces as they open gifts!Those are all great memories I will keep forever
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