The word home to me is a place you feel safe in. a place you can be yourself without being judged. My home is a place that is filled with joy with all the memories I have. The word home is not a house, or an apartment building home is your feelings. Your happy place and your joys. We need to take a moment to think of all the other kids' adults' elders that don’t have a good home or even no home at all.
Not everyone has a happy home, some fear their home. some do not even think of it as their home. Some like school to get away from what is happening in their home. some are good at hiding what they feel, and some are not. I feel very thank full for what I have I feel thank full for my home.
In my home, it is the place where I know I can always feel safe and warm in my home, and I hope you do too. Please let us spread awareness. help those who do not have a loving home. I am writing this for those who do not. I hope this will go to all so we can help. Get a little give a lot.
I hope that people can have a happy time with their family and friends as well. I really hope that we all in the end have a loving home and have happy feelings and joys with family and friends.no one should fear their home. Everyone deserves a loving home. I hope this goes to all to spread awareness