To me, a home is not a building or a house. A home is not a physical thing, it is a space where you feel safe, protected, warm, somewhere you can be you without judgment or standards that you must live up to, a happy place (that you can play dungeons and dragons in:). When you build a house, it is not a home, it takes a lot more than a building or house to be a true home. A lot of people think a house is a home, yet it takes love, respect, and good memories. You could ask hundreds of people to describe a home, but they will all have different answers because homes are different things to different people. but one thing is sure, a home is a place to come back to whether it is in Australia or Jamaica. It is a place where no matter what is going on you are welcome there.
Different organizations do different things that help people all over the world. Habitat for Humanity is an organization that builds houses for people, and so do other organizations. What is so outstanding about habitat for humanity is they do not just build houses they build homes for families in need. A lot of people take houses for granted but only when they realize what a home really is, is when they discover the magic of true real homes that thousands of people Charish so much. And this event is helping more people have and be able to Charish homes like so many others already do. Homes are not just one gift; they are a gift that you are given every day.
What does home mean to me you might ask? I like my home for many reasons, it is where my sister, father, and mother live. It is where I wake up with my family on special holidays like Christmas or Easter. It is where I enjoy home-cooked meals and play with my friends. If I ever have a rough time, I know my home will be waiting for me with an open door. To me, it does not matter how big or expensive a home is, because a is a whether it is a mansion or a small apartment. That is what is different about habitat for humanity, they do not just build homes, they spread the real meaning and purpose of a home.
Lots of people know what a home is, and they think they know what a home would feel like. Yet many people are wrong. Anybody can call a house or an apartment home and nobody would think differently but just because your family is there does not mean it is a home some do not want to go back to their so-called “home.” If you do not feel safe in your home do not hesitate to contact people who can help you find a better, safer home. You could contact a home organization that could help you find a different home if you need it. Habitat for humanity could help. No matter what you need to contact someone.
And that is about what I think when it comes to homes. What I have said is my opinion when it comes to homes and building homes, and what consists of a home (in my opinion). And in conclusion that is my entry into the 2022 Habitat for the Humanity donation drive. I am incredibly happy thought to know that anna McCrea’s grades 4,5 and 6 are participating in this event because like on the information page each entry donates ten dollars to the habitat for humanity cause to build houses for families in need. Those are the qualities that make up the solid foundation of truth, people helping organizations. So in conclusion, I thank you, you as an organization of good people helping others in need. Thank habitat for humanity for all they do.
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