The Meaning of Home

When we think of a home we may think that it is the same as a house. But guess what, it is not what you think. A house means that, ¨a building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.¨ And a home means that, ¨the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or a household.¨. So with those two definitions I hope you know the difference between a house and a home. So when we think of a home we may think that it makes us happy that we have something protecting us like a roof or a wall believe it or not but some people don’t have anything to have over their head and nothing to protect them, they may just have a piece of cardboard. Anyway it may make you grateful and happy that you have something to protect you. When we think of a home we may have a family. I have my Dad, my sisters and my dog. They all make me feel loved. When we feel loved we feel happy. They protect me and others. We think about having a home-cooked meal or watching a movie with family. We may think that a home has warmth. Well mine does. When we think of warmness we think of being hot or of a nice body temperature. Did you know that some people live on the streets and live in the cold. In this cold weather I think we should just give a little more warmth to the homeless. It makes me feel happy that I have the chance to be warm. When a home is comforting it can get a little bit too comfortable. I sleep on a bed. It is so comfortable. But some people don’t have a bed. It makes me feel happy that i have something to sleep on because some people have just the concrete on the street or on like I said before a piece of cardboard. When we think of being safe we think of a country. Our country Canada has a border that protects 38,272,664 people in Canada. I personally think that it makes me feel safe.The USA is safe but there is a bit of a downside. There are quite a few gun shootings and it has lots of litter. According to google there is 51.2 billion pieces of litter on their roadways. And a large amount of it is less than 4 inches. So I think l feel safe here. The food that i eat makes my house a home because i always have something to eat. There is always something on the table. There is some people who barely can afford food or only have a bit a week. They may just have like a burger or something to have for a week. Imagine having to have only a small burger to last the week. It makes me grateful that i have something to eat every meal. The nature that i have to explore makes a house a home because it makes me feel good that Mother nature has made a beautiful place to explore for people that need to get outside more. People can be living in awful places which are filled with litter and pollution. It makes me feel grateful that Ontario is such a beautiful place. My clothes make my house a home because it makes me feel grateful and happy that i have clothes to wear that are nice because some people have to wear clothes that are all teared up and messy. They also wear clothes that are really revealing and I have clothes that are nice and not revealing. Even though my property is small it makes my house a home because it makes me happy that i have a property that I have to go outside and make a snowman or jump on my trampoline some people live in subdivisions and barely have any backyard because their house is so big or it is just a tiny place in general. So that will be the end of what makes a house a home to me. It takes many aspects to make a house a home. It takes time and patience to make a house that will hopefully be filled with memories and love. That will also hopefully turn into a home.


5 Année

collingwood, Ontario

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