Home is Everything

To me home feels like everything. To begin with, home feels like happiness because when I am sad my parents are there to cheer me up. Another reason why home is happiness is I have my gaming systems to entertain me when I am bored or have nothing to do. The last reason to be happy at home is happiness. I can watch funny youtube videos to cheer me up. The second reason that home is everything to me is I have my family to keep me safe if anything happens. The third reason is when I need help my parents are there to help me when I am stuck on something.The fourth reason is I get help is when I am stuck on a videogame level my cousin or brother can help me with the level.The last reason is my family helps me if I lost something I like to play with, my parents will help me find it. That’s why I think home means everything to me.


4 Année

Caledon, Ontario

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