What is home
A home is a place where you should feel safe. It is a place where you can tell your Goods and Bads. A home is not just a house or a building it is a place where you can tell your feelings. There are things you can do at home that you cannot do when you are outside somewhere. A house is a big part of your life
I will say that when I step into my house, I do not see it is small or big, I will look and see how I am treated. I am saying this because when some people are living in a big house, they do not get as much love. Some people have small houses but so much love. So, I want you all to see that do not judge your house on how big or small it is, see how loved you are.
Some people say that home is a house but say that it is not. It is a place to be HAPPY. It is not just a house. Because when I step inside my house, I do not just feel like I am in a house. I also feel like I am with my whole family. I feel like that because having a house is a blessing from God.
Having a house is a massive thing because lots of people do not have homes to live in. Some people have to live in camper vans and have to live on the street. So, think before you say that it is too small or too bad. Having a house is not just having shelter. It is also about having a place to spend time with your family.
So, you should be thankful that you have a house and a place to spend time with your family. You should also not say bad things about your house. Still keep in mind that some people do not have houses. So, every morning when you wake up you can be happy you have a house. Having a house is a big thing.
I am very thankful for that habitat for humanity for writing this page. I am also happy that I am donating money by writing this page. I will be happy to hear that a lot of people have their own houses to live in. I am happy to see that now people can be with their family. Also, I am incredibly happy that people feel safe and protected now. I am happy that I wrote this page.
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