
Home isn’t just a building or apartment. it can be a place to see people you love. or if you don’t live with anyone it’s still great. if you had a long day it's great to go home at the end of the day, see your family, and rest. A home has memories. when you buy the house or when you turn a house into a home. When I was younger, I always thought a home was just a building or an apartment but I know now that it is way more than that. Home to me means a place to feel safe. because I know I always feel safe and loved when I’m in my home and lots of people don’t feel loved or safe in a home. You should feel safe in a home not scared. Home is my favorite place on this planet because I know I can always go back to my home. And think about all the memories I had. but when I’m older and don’t live with my parents and get my own house I can make new memories. With my parents’ friends or with other people. Home is where you should feel loved. Home is where you can tell anyone anything. Home is where you should not be scared. Home is where you should tell the truth even if it’s bad. Home is where you should feel loved. Home is where you should make memories. Home is where you sleep. That’s what home means to me.


5 Année

Sault. Ste. Marie, Ontario

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