The importance of home
Home what a wonderful place to live, sleep and play that keeps me away from all the darkness that lays
The best things that happen are right at home there is no other place I think to know
Home is where I learned to be the best that I can be, to all the thing that are passionate to me
Home is where not everything is perfect but that doesn’t matter we shouldn’t disrespect are home, home is not perfect I know but what should matter is, whatever home you buy home is a home no matter what size
Home is where every kid in the world should grow up and to me if this happened in the word today I would jump up and say yepi cayaya
Home a place where I make memories not where I make enemies, but a place to have fun with all my friends and all my family
The meaning of home to me is rather simple I guarantee. What home means to me is love and sympathy but most importantly a place to grow up and have fun to live your life the way you want because that's what the meaning of home should be for everybody not just me and I thank the habitat community for making this dream into reality.
Because the habitat community is giving us the opportunity to write what home means to us and letting us share our words of positivity to the whole national community
I also want to say that home is a heartfelt place it is to me, while making these rhymes I begin to cry because a home is for all no matter what race no matter what people say home is a place for all.