Home Sweet Home

For some people home is just a home to live in. I am definitely not the only one who thinks this way but home means love, family and sometimes a little bit of arguing. It’s still a special place in my heart. I am only 11 years old so I don’t know what it’s like to not have a home but all I know is that a home is a safe and loving place. A home isn’t just a home, it's a place to come home to, it's a place to love, it's a place to live. My home may not be the biggest or look the prettiest but it’s just as unique as a mansion. Actually my home is much better than a mansion. Even better than a mansion that has a private beach or a mansion in the mountains. My home is better because it contains love, happiness, and also my family which is better than any house in the world. Home is a place to be happy with the people you love. I have many people to love so my home is a very happy place. I don’t care what house it is or where it is. I don’t even care what it looks like as long as I am with the people I love. Every home I am in it will feel like my home. Home is a place to be with your family as long as you are with your family.


6 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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