The word home to me means safety, warmth, love, and family. You shouldn’t have to feel scared or cold when you're in your house. In your house, you should feel warm. Feeling warm could mean Snuggling in your cozy bedroom or hugging your parents or pet. The word warmth means to me giving someone a hug or someone helping you feel good. Warmth is strongly associated with the word home for me and is one of the best parts of my home.
Safety is important. In your house, you should feel safe. Feeling safe means you are not worried about bad people coming to get you or that there is a monster under your bed. Feeling safe means not having to worry about bad things like this. Safety for me feels like my mom and dad being all in the same home because that makes me feel safe. That’s why home means Safety to me.
The word love plays a mighty roll in the word home. In a home, there is the love You feel for your family. Love is also felt at home when you’re cooking or taking care of your home. Love to me means that we love each other in my house and that we make it through rough times. That’s the role of the word love in my sense of the word home.
Finally the word family. This word is a special little fella because it's all over the house. Family is a part of the home in that you live there with your family. But family to me is spread over many homes too - my grandma’s, uncles and aunt’s, etc. Family to me is all over the place because it's at my aunts and my grandmas and plus my own house. The word family plays the biggest role in the word home!
Home is an important part of feeling love and feeling safe and it is very important to me. This is why I am proud of the people at Habitat for humanity for their work. Habitat for Humanity is helping people get houses. People should hopefully feel warm and safe in their homes - if you don’t, habitat for humanity may be able to help. Donating to Habitat for Humanity can help homeless people or families who need a warm, safe home.
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