What a Home Means to Me
My home smells like my mom cooking in the kitchen and knowing we will get to eat all of her delicious food. I know my home might not be too big, but what matters the most is that there’s lots of love coming from my family and siblings. My family loves each other. We go to see my mom on her lunch break every day at the restaurant to spend time together. My favorite thing to do at home is art. I love to draw. Whenever I want to draw, I draw in my Anime book. I have lots of memories at home. I remember on Easter day we would collect chocolate eggs and have fun and play. I also remember on Christmas Eve we would put cookies out for Santa. Then on Christmas day we open all our presents from Santa and family. My family is the best. They are kind and sweet to others, and they know what to do when someone is hungry and does not have the money to buy food. I love the joy around me at home. The saddest thing that hurts me the most is missing my dog who passed away. My favorite days are the weekend, because I get to play with my friends and go tobogganing in the winter. Some people will think that a home is just some random house, but a home means more than that. It is way more special than a house, because it has all the stuff you love and cherish from when you were little. A house is like an apartment, a home is something that has love in it.
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