The Meaning of Home
When most people think of the word "home" they often think about the place they sleep or where they have all their belongings. To me, home isn't just a place where you go back to after work/school, home is where I feel at ease, or where I belong. There's no specific place I consider home. House and home are very different, both emotionally and physically. House is just some building or place that you stay. Home is different for everyone, but for me, it's where I feel cared about and stress-free. Where I know that I won't be judged by anyone. As long as I'm with loved ones and friends, I truly feel like I'm home. Home is where no one will hurt me or make me feel inferior. I tend to overthink, but when I feel "at home" I feel like I truly belong for once and nothing can stop that feeling. *That's* home.
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