The first thing that comes to mind when I’m feeling down or sad is all the happy memories with my family and friends. One of my favorite memories is when my family from France came for my parents wedding and we sat by a campfire and talked for hours. This reminds me of home because all my family was together and that really makes me happy. Another memory is when I was little and used to sit by the fire all comfy and cozy and I could hear my dad washing the dishes and l could see my mom working on her computer. The last memory is from when I went home for Christmas, me and my dad would play cards every night for hours on end. This made me feel at home because I find it's really nice to spend quality time with family and friends.
One of the most important things for me to feel at home is to be comfortable. One of my favourite ways to get comfortable is to get into a nice big bed with lots of blankets that I can bundal up in or watch a movie on a big soft couch and a big warm blanket over me.
Regardless of where I am, I will always feel at home with my family. I think the most important thing to have a nice stable home is your parents that you know will always be there for you through rough times or even happy times. There are also friends, more specifically best friends. Your best friend will always be there for you, even if you move away they will find a way to be there for you. Your best friend is also the one that you can tell all your secrets to and know that they will be safe.
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