Home is where the family is
Some people might think that a home and a house are the same things but they’re not really. A house is made from wood. It has tiles, furniture and stuff like that. But have you ever wondered what actually makes a house a home? Laughter, love, kindness, craziness, memories? Yeah, those are all parts of a home. But the main thing about a home is your family. Your family can always make you laugh. They show you love. Families are very caring but can be very silly at times too. The good thing is, you can always be yourself around them. Your family is what makes memories in your home. So to me, the difference between a house and a home is family and the memories you create with them - the good and the bad.
House and home,
Might have gnomes.
But what makes home a home?
Is it something I own?
To me a home has love,
Tender as dove
There’s laughter too,
You can doubt but it's true
A place to have fun,
I’m almost done.
My home is my home because of my memories,
Feels like I’ve been here for millenniums.
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