“What is Home to You?”
By Ava G-K
Home is where you and your family live in peace. A home is where you have fun and spend time with your pets. It's where you spend the time with your loved ones. It's where you feel loved, it's where you feel special. Home is a great place to go when you have a hard day. Home is where you can sleep and have shelter, which your home covers you when it's rainy outside.
My grandma and I cook and bake a lot and have a great time. It's fun. I have so much fun at home. I play my games on my iPad and I visit my step mom's house. I play with my siblings. My step sister and me brush each other's hair, and my sister visited my grandma's house too and my other siblings. We live in an apartment and my mom lives in the same apartment building, but in a different apartment.
At my step mom’s house we play with the new kitten, his name is Milo. I have three step siblings, I have a sibling that is related to all of us, because my step mom and my dad had him. He's two years old, my step sister is 8, one of my step brothers is 14 and my other step brother is 4. I am 9 years old.
No matter where you live, it's still home to you.
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