Home is Where my Family is
F - Home is where my Family is - my mom, dad, sisters, my pets.
A - Activities - Fun activities with my family
M - Making Memories - Making fun memories with my family and friends
I - Incredibly - An incredibly amazing place
L - Love - love is with your loved ones
Y - Yourself - home is where you can be yourself, not somebody you're not.
My family is important because they keep a roof over my head and they keep me fed. My family does a lot of fun activities with me like: playing ottawa opoly. It's really fun. I make really fun memories like: talking about how our day went, especially the funny situations like eating ice cream and getting it on your nose. My family is incredibly fun and my parents are amazing. I love my family and friends. Me and my friends are very close. And don’t forget - You should always be yourself and not someone else.
That's what home means to me!
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