Meaning of Home

Some people say they don’t have a home, or do they? There’s a chance they don’t have a house, but they almost always have a home. Home can be many things. To me, home is noise, family, and details, and those are things that might make a home for anyone. Home is a noisy place to me, every little sound makes it home, even if it’s annoying. The loudest and the softest noises can make me feel either annoyed or calm. From the screeching of my sister to the ticking of my ceiling fan, without those sounds, anything that makes sound is just noise without meaning. And noise without meaning is just wrong. The noises that follow me are comforting, but noise isn’t the only part. The family of my home is probably the most important part of home. My family is basically home on it’s own. My parents and my sister are all part of home. Without my family, it isn’t a home that I’m familiar with. Family is something that’s always in my home, no matter what. The details of my home are very vivid. The clothes that my family wears are always changing. The colour of my family’s hair and eyes add to the feeling. Even if I have no house, details will always be in my home. The details of my home are always changing, even if it’s only a little. The noise, family and details of my home are what makes it home. So much of my home is made up of people or something comforting. But the entirety of home is actually made up of little things, the things that some people say don’t matter. All of these things make home one of the most important things that can be included in life.


6 Année


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