Home to me is love, I love almost everything.
I love the snow, having snowball fights and making snow forts, and snow slides for sledding is what I love the best. When I had covid I made a grand piano out of snow. (It never got finished because I changed it to a slide).
During the lockdown on days where there was nothing to do, my family would spend hours playing board games such as Ticket to Ride, scrabble, and the Farming game. My favorite is Ticket to Ride! Ticket to Ride is a train game where you build tracks to finish a mission.
Every day after school I read and read and read. Both me and my sister love reading. Some of the books I've been reading are The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy!
On weekends my favorite thing to do is sleep for many hours till the day is over, then I sleep for the night.
This is what I love about home and this is what home means to me , what does home mean to you?
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